Dịch thuật

Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 9, 2012


  1 开展营运驾驶员职业培训重要意义多年来,由于道路运输市场的放开,使我们的道路运输营运车辆和驾驶员不断增加.目前,龙江省有营运车辆 17 万台,营运驾驶员 24 万名.一方面他们为运输经济发展起到积极作用,另一方面我们也可以看到进入运输市场的从业人员良莠不齐,质不同导致经常出现偷拉私运、野蛮服务、偷漏税费、事故频发等现象.因此,为了加强对营运驾驶员的管理,国家交通部出台了《营业性道路运输驾驶员职业培训管理规定》.
  1.1 开展营运驾驶员职业培训是道路运输业发展的需要国家交通部在十五期间道路运输工作的总体目标中提出,实现"业服务质量明显改善,道路运输重要岗位从业人员中,营运驾驶员持证上岗率达100%,修理工、乘务员等重要岗位的从业人员持证上岗率达 60%以上,一二级客货运输企业、二级以上客货运输站场国际质量认证率达到15%以上,客运'优、三化'务明显加强,货运商务事故率明显降低,道路运输企业交通安全事故率、年重特大安全事故次数和死伤人数分别降低 10%".但从目前情况看,我国交通事故每年都在增长,属于驾驶员为主要因素的事故约占70%以上,近几年重大的客、货车和危险货物运输车辆的重大事故也时有发生.营运车辆的重大事故造成的人身和经济损失是十分巨大的.险货物运输车辆的重大事故往往在经济损失之外,还会酿成对环境的严重污染,发更为严重的生态环保问题.,因运输服务质量差,宰客、甩客、超载现象屡禁不止,不按安全行车操作要求驾驶车辆、疲劳驾驶等情况也时有发生.由于交通运输事故频发,旅客、货主的生命财产安全缺乏应有的保障,社会反响十分强烈.
  1.2 开展营运驾驶员职业培训是保证道路运输安全的重要手段营运驾驶员是运输生产一线直接服务社会、服务旅客和货主的主要工种,负着比为单位内部、个人服务的普通驾驶员更重大的社会和经济责任.职业的特殊性决定了营运驾驶员应当具备相应的职业道德、运输服务知识和服务技能,了解道路运输法规业务规范,时还要掌握一定的车辆维修、故障处理知识和娴熟的驾驶技能.
  1.3 开展营运驾驶员职业培训是与世界通行的管理模式接轨的需要发达国家普遍将驾驶员分为私家车驾驶员和商用车驾驶员两类分别进行管理,应地把驾驶员培训也分为私家车驾驶员培训和商用车驾驶员培训.私家车驾驶员培训是汽车驾驶技能的普及培,为人们进入社会开始工作和新的生活进行的特殊能力补充.
  但在这些国家如果准备从事营业性道路运输,为职业驾驶员,除需具有一定的私家车驾龄要求外(如美国规定为 3 ),还必须参加商用车驾驶员的职业培训.谓职业培训,实质是进行职业技能、职业道德、职业规范的全面教育过程,其培训内容广、项目多、要求严、时间长(如美国商用车驾驶员培训时间为200~300).
  同时他们对于已从事营业性道路运输的商用车驾驶员,还采取每隔几年进行再教育的办法 (如日本规定每隔 3 对职业驾驶员进行轮训检测),以保证从业人员的技能和素质水平.
  2 开展职业培训工作发展的根本途径2.1 强师资队伍建设,提高培训质量职业培训工作的开展,员教练员如果没有经过系统全面的培训,整体教练水平不高,将影响培训质量.
  2.2 设立机构,建立考核组织.强职业培训工作要做好营运驾驶员职业培训和考试工作,就要依照合理布局,择优选择的原则在全省范围内设立培训机构.龙江省现有培训单位83 ,这些职业培训机构主要负责在本辖区内需进行职业培训的营运驾驶员的职业培训工作.为职业培训的管理部门应每年对这些职业培训机构进行综合考评,合格的将继续从事职业培训工作,不合格的将取消其职业培训资格.只有推行这样的竞争机制,才能推动职业培训机构的前进步伐,才能促进营运驾驶员职业化的健康发展.
  2.3 运用现代化信息手段,规范从业资格管理工作营运驾驶员职业培训工作任务重,要求高,涉及面广,为了能及时、准确的发放从业资格证,应当在黑龙江省范围内开发和推广微机软件系统.运用现代化信息手段建立以"一个中心,两个系,三个层次"为基础的职业培训管理信息网络.实现信息处理和数据共享."一个中心"是指统一的管理中心,应以行业管理单位为牵头,即黑龙江省运输管理局为行业管理中心,"两个系"是指信息管理建立和传送系统、信息补丁和升级系统",三个层次"是指省、市两级行业管理单位和培训单位.,建立培训学校之间横向联系的信息网络,以及职业培训全过程管理和监督系统,导和鼓励培训单位开发和应用先进的培训和管理技术设备,提高职业培训的科技含量,为全省职业培训行业发展的宏观决策提供快速、可靠、准确的数据和信息,满足职业培训发展的需要.

Training Pattern Designs for Professional Staffs in High-Speed Railway Sector./. Lưu ý: Có thể chọn ngôn ngữ xem bài này ở thanh công cụ phía trên.

LIU Yingqi GUO Ming The Center for Infrastructure Research, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, P.R.China, 100044
Abstract: With the development of China railway tends to safety, high speed and mass, the existing training pattern of professional technicians of High-speed Railway lags the times. The paper discussed the actualities and challenge of professional technicians of High-speed Railway, Based on the experiences of the pattern of professional technicians of High-speed railway of Germany and Japan, The paper create a new pattern of professional technicians of High-speed Railway.
Key words: High-speed Railway, Training pattern, Professional technicians
With the development of China railway tend to safety, high speed and mass, the railway technical facilities have made a great progress. High speed railways have attained a higher speed by using many new technologies such as AC drive, lightening of frame, high-speed bogie, brake blending, microcomputer on-board, etc[1]' Because of the difference in technology, operation and management between high-speed railway and existing railway, the existing training pattern of professional technicians of High-speed Railway lags the times. So, we must resolve the problem that how to create a new training pattern of professional technicians of High-speed Railway on the base of absorbing foreign training pattern of professional technicians of High-speed Railway.
Because of the fast development of the High-speed Railway, The researches of the pattern training of professional technicians of High-speed Railway are little. Hu Benjie (2006)[2], Song Xiude(2006)[3] and Wei Wenfang(2003)[4] do some research on the training of the professional technicians. But what they do pays more attention on the general introduction. The High-speed Railway uses the new technology, which is totally different from the existing railway. The existing training pattern meets many problems facing the High-way Railway development. We consulted the situation of the existing training pattern and the other developed countries training experiences to create a new training pattern of the professional technicians of the High-speed Railway has a very important meaning for our railway progress[5,6].
By the end of 2005, there are over 1.7 million workers in railway industry, skilled workers account for 80% of all workers; accounts for 62% of all skilled workers acquired professional certificate. The numbers of junior workers account for 4.4% of all skilled workers; the numbers of secondary workers achieve account for 28.7% of all skilled workers; the numbers of senior workers account for 27.3% of all skilled workers; the numbers of technicians account for 1.1% of all skilled workers; the numbers of senior technicians account for 0.5% of all skilled workers.

The training pattern of professional technicians of High-speed Railway is dispersed based on each railway bureau. The figure 1 represents the frame of railway system.
Many new technologies such as IT, automatization technologies, processing technologies and material technologies have made railway attain great progress in speed and loading.
3.1.1  Technologies of High-speed Railway
High-speed railway is a system integration of many high-techs and merges latest science-and-technology developments, such as system integration, AC drive, brake blending, high-speed bogie, high-strength and light materials and structure, drag and noise reduction, airproof technology, modern control and analysis, etc. Take high-speed train as an example, it consists of the distillate of mechanics, electronics, control, communications, aerodynamics, environmental protection, etc. and it makes integration use of new production of computer, information technology, new materials, power and electric component, etc. By exploiting and applying AC drive, lightening of frame, high-speed bogie, brake blending, microcomputer on-board to it, after 40 years development, the length of high-speed railway is 6763 km, they distributed in 10 nations and regions including Japan, France etc. Now there are some other high-speed railway projects in progress and some are going to be carried out. We think that the development of high-speed railway has become a primary trend of future.
High-speed Railway is characterized with speediness, safety, economy and large capacity in passenger transport market. Especially, the high-speed inter-city trains, running with high-density, as-frequent-as-buses and flexible marshalling, have the transport capacity that can not be caught up by highway and airline.
3.1.2  IT are applied in railway to increase management level
The developed countries use IT to increase management level in railway. The modern IT and management means are used to promote many innovations about management modes and management means in railway industry. Many countries have realized Informationization and automatization in many aspects such as HR management, ER management, OA management and operation decision-making etc.
The railway system of developed countries has already achieved the integration of communication signal, electromechanical integration, integration of station and section and trains’ unified command and control according to the integration of computer and communication technologies system. It greatly improved the transportation efficiency and safety reliability.
With the great development of the railway, the high-speed railway will be 9800km in 2010. The gap between the existing technicians and the required technicians is great. For example, The need for the high-speed railway motor drivers will be 1000 persons in 2007. But now we only have 500 persons passed the exam and have the credits.
At the same time, there is a great gap between our fact need and existing numbers of technicians. At present, the numbers of technicians acquired professional certificate account for 30% of all technicians; the rates of developed countries are 30%-40%. Especially, the numbers of technicians and senior technicians only account for 1% of all skilled workers, the numbers of senior technicians only account for 1% of all technicians, these two rates below the demand of 2% and 10% requested by Labor and Social Security sectors. The amounts of senior technicians must achieve 30000 demanded by railway department.
In addition, all the new high-speed trains of high-speed railway consist of all kinds of advanced technologies. Especially with high-speed motor train set introduced into and used, it brings new concept of controlling and event handling. High-speed railway motor train set, as a new train type, makes its driver to master electronic technology and computer technology[7]. Traditional traffic control needs considering more about its daily manipulation, but the high-speed train driver cares more about

responses of unexpected incidents. In addition, the maintenance mode of high-speed railway motor train set changes the conventional professional model division. Motor train set needs a mix model contained motor train, trailer, electrical and electronic, computer applying, automation, web management and mechatronics. Because of the specificity and overall of the motor train set construct, and its characteristics of not allowing to arbitrarily divided and semi-trailed, the old professional model division has to change into the mode of motor train and trailer centralized.
At present, most technicians are junior. The inferior workers can’t fulfill the demand of increasing new technologies.
The railway in our country is in the significant history point of reform. What make the organization mode of training talents with high-tech face new challenge in China is being used constantly.
Our present training patterns have been lagged the demand of senior technicians of high-speed railway, the major problems are following:
3.3.1  there are no enough funds to ensure the necessary training facilities.
Now, the drivers of high-speed railway are trained by using stimulant high-speed railway. Train driving simulator now mostly carries out the training of high-speed railway operators in advanced countries. Through the training, train drivers can be familiar with the train environment and all kinds of signals, master the specification, understand operational processes, and mastery the methods of handling fault. Especially for the high-speed train drivers, they need to be trained their responses in any emergency situation repeat, but it is difficult to create the conditions of this kind of training in the actual manipulation. At the same time, high-speed train driving simulator can train drivers in high-density and high-intensity, save electricity or fuel consumption and provide safety protection. For example, the Germany driving simulator system cannot only establish digital 3D graphics to simulate the real line, but also imitate weather, signal and complex unexpected incidents well. However, these equipments are very expensive. If following the existing training organizational model, every railway bureau needs a high-speed railway-driving simulator to make sure every railway bureau has its own high-speed train drivers. It is impossible to our country, a developing country.
3.3.2  It’s difficult to train many advanced skilled workers shortly.
In developed countries, there are enough time to get training on new technologies and new equipments, in Germany, it will take 2 years to get certificate for the high-speed railway drivers, the training of drivers can be classed junior training, motorcycle type training, complementarily training, periodic training and annual drive monitor. With the development of modernization of railway facilities, more and more new technologies and new equipments increase drastically. At present, if we still employ the traditional training pattern, we will have no enough advanced technicians to promote the development of high-speed railway.
3.3.3  The training effect can’t be ensured.
Compared with the developed countries which have many professional technicians who have grasped the advanced technologies and equipments, the number and quality of our professional technicians of High-speed Railway are insufficient, which causes the advanced technologies and equipments are not used adequately. Based on this HR, if we still persist in our traditional training patterns in which every railway branch does the précis, book, training contents and training methods, the training effect can’t be ensured.
3.3.4  The existing training resources can’t be used efficiently.
Because each railway branch has deficient numbers of schools and other educational resources, if each railway branch takes training independently, we will not use our training resources efficiently.
In Germany, there are series of professional training centers; employees from every department can get periodical study and retraining. The biggest and most absorbing professional training unit is training center of Germany Railway LTD. The training center has 6 branches in Germany and more than one hundred training sites, the raining center is also the first training institute which has qualification authentication, which has 4 professional training sectors including more than 20 occupations and more than 2000 training locations. The training of railway drivers in Germany can be classed junior training, training for different types of trains, complementarily training, periodic training and annual drive monitor.
The professional training of train driers in railway stations and depots spends about seven and a half month. It is an all-around training, which develops drivers’ abilities such as professional skills, methods of handling things, coordinating social relations, personality expression and executive capacity. The regular training of train drivers contains 12 hours major learning and 6 hours practical exercises for everybody in one year, and the training for driving simulation.
4.2 Japan
The Japanese railway enterprises build sound research rule and research center by using different training methods and make staff dispatched in different research system. For example, in JR Eastern Japan, the major method is made of research combined with basic training.
This system includes the post-service education, off-job training, correspondence course and learning assignments four parts. In addition, a comprehensive research center has been devoted to the staff training in JR East Railway Company, which covers 50.025 hectares, 58868.03 m2 area, with 37 classrooms, 558students hostels, 23 specialized laboratories and a total of 120 staff, training 23,000 people annually for the JR East Railway Company. 478m internship rail lines and 4 block trains are dedicated for the training of locomotive drivers. Moreover, the research center costs more than 300 million yen with a Shinkanse high-speed locomotive simulator, specifically for driving simulation training of high-speed locomotive drivers.
The training of professional technicians of Railway is one of the key factors which can resolve the development methods of railway industry, the professional technicians who have grasped advanced technologies and equipments will decide that we can get competitive advantage.
Our situation of railway development and professional technicians is different from that in foreign. First, railway has been in countries for longer time, these countries own technologies and equipments and have perfect training persons, training text and training equipments. Compared with their foreign counter partner, domestic technicians accept littler education. In the same time, most of railway technologies and equipments are transferred from foreign developed countries; the phenomena lead to a lack of training text. We must compile our training text in the context of our practice and search a new method to training.
5.1  The principle of establishing the training pattern of professional technicians of Railway
5.1.1 The standardization of training
Limited to the time, funds and HR etc. we must consider the standardization of training. With the development of high-speed railway, the need of professional technicians is enormous, in order to increase the effect of training, we should make the training facilities, training texts, training contents and training process standard. We can train some professional technicians and let them to retrain the others.
5.1.2 The efficiently utilization of training resources
We should integrate HR, materials, funds and existing educational resources and build a pool of training experts all around countries. The existing educational resources must be centralized so as to increase training quality.
5.1.3 The efficiency and applicability of training processes.
The integrated processes can use resources efficiently, in order to fulfill the demand for professional technicians in a given period; we must make a detailed plan to foster professional technicians.
5.2  The training pattern of professional technicians of Railway.
According to the above principles, the training pattern of professional technicians of Railway should be following:
5.2.1 The training system of professional technicians of High-speed Railway
The training system should include the Railway department training center, railway bureau regional training center and station-training base.
The Railway department training center should service the whole railway system and layout the plan of training professional technicians and foster the experts of high-speed railway management, technicians and operators.
The Railway bureau regional training center should answer for the plan, construction and management and integrate existing resources and build training base. We have seven Railway bureau regional training centers.
The station should answer for the training of skilled worker and teach the basic skill.
The training pattern of professional technicians of High-speed Railway based on the three-hierarchy construction is following:
Figure 2 The training pattern of professional technicians of High-speed Railway

5.2.2  The procedure of operation of training pattern of professional technicians of High-speed Railway The procedure of operation of training pattern of professional technicians of High-speed Railway is following: the railway department answers for the training plan of whole system; the training information are collected by regional training centers and transferred to instructive committee who give advice to The railway department training center.
Figure 3 The procedure of operation

The High-speed Railway will be the direction of the development of China Railway. The training of professional technicians of Railway is one of the key factors which can resolve the development methods of railway industry, the professional technicians who have grasped advanced technologies and equipments will decide that we can get competitive advantage. The High-speed railways have attained a higher speed by using many new technologies, which are different from the existing technologies. As the result of the changes, the existing training pattern of professional technicians of High-speed Railway faced many new challenges such as the limitation of the time and funds, the experiences of training equipments.
After researching the experiences of training pattern of professional technicians of High-speed railway of Germany and Japan, We draw the conclusion that the change of the pattern of the training will be the most effective way to solve the problem. Based on the principle of establishing the training pattern of professional technicians of Railway, We think the new training pattern of professional technicians of Railway should include the Railway department training center, railway bureau regional training center and station-training base. And we also give the procedure of operation of the new training pattern of professional technicians of High-speed Railway. Although there leave lots of things for the research of the new pattern, The new pattern was proved to be one of the effective way to solve the challenges facing by the existing pattern in the new motor drivers’ training recently.
[1]                  Yang     Xiangming, The review of the overseas researches of technology of the High-speed train, Railway train vehicle worker, 2006.11:1—6
[2]    Hu Benjie, The measure of the optimized the structure of the railway human resource, Railway Freight, 2006.07:24—25
[3]                Song       Xiude, Training the high technicians for the China Raliway’s great development, China Labor, 2006.04:57—58
[4]               Wei          wenfang, The research of the innovation of the railway human resource management, Guangdong Economy Monthly, 2003.01:33—34
[5]  Yu Changzhou, The Analyses between China and American in the enterprises’ Training, Heilongjiang Social journal, 2005.01:67 68
[6]           Jin               Xiong, A Comparison between China and ROK in their enterprises’ Training Programs vs Some Enlightenments, Dongjiang Journal, 2006.01:103—106
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